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Coastal Valleys EMS Agency News

CVEMSA Local Optional Scope of Practice Approved for EMT Administration of COVID-19 Vaccine

On January 13, 2021, the California EMS Authority approved the Coastal Valleys EMS Agency Application for Local Optional Scope of Practice (LOSOP) enhancement allowing Emergency Medical Technicians to administer COVID-19 vaccinations under direct supervision of paramedics or Registered Nurses. CVEMSA constituent counties of Mendocino and Sonoma join a growing number of California Counties expanding the EMT scope of practice to support the vaccination efforts of local public health jurisdictions.

For CVEMSA, this approval represents the first local accreditation process for EMTs, and will require  partnership with local Advanced Life Support (paramedic) service providers to oversee the EMT practice in collaboration with CVEMSA. To provide the Emergency Accreditation Authorization for EMT Vaccinators, CVEMSA Medical Director Dr. Mark Luoto has issued EMS Special Memo 21-001 which outlines the training, oversight and documentation requirements for EMT Accreditation and approval to vaccinate. California Code of Regulations Title 22 provides the framework for Local EMS Agencies to approve expanded scope of practice for both provider agencies and individual EMTs, and the Special Memo provides the legal authorization needed to implement this expansion. 

Briefly, any EMT seeking accreditation for LOSOP as a vaccinator must be affiliated with an ALS Provider sponsor that will ensure the EMS Agency training has been completed and competency verified. Sponsoring ALS providers will send a roster that includes an affirmation that EMTs listed were appropriately trained to CVEMSA for approval. CVEMSA will then authorize those EMTs to work under the direction of the ALS Provider Medical Director as an Optional Scope Medical Director. EMT Accreditation will be continuous until CVEMSA notifies provider agencies the program has been terminated, or the EMS Special Memo expires on January 13, 2022

ALS Providers may, at their discretion, sponsor EMTs of non-ALS agencies or volunteers. Paramedics that are not currently accredited by CVEMSA are permitted to function as EMTs, and may accredit as vaccinators under the provisions of EMS Special Memo 21-001 by affiliating with an ALS Provider agency, and having training and competency verified by the sponsoring agency.

Linked below are:

EMS Special Memo 21-001  pdf 21-001 EMS Special Memo EMT Emergency Accreditation.pdf (676 KB)

Training and Accreditation Roster  pdf EMT Emergency Accreditation Authorization Training and Competency Verification.pdf (467 KB)

CVEMSA-Approved Training Checklist  pdf Skills Checklist for Vaccine Administration.pdf (87 KB)

CVEMSA-Approved PowerPoint Presentation  document COVID-19_EMT A-EMT P_Training PP_EMSA_REVISED.pptx (7.71 MB)

  6546 Hits

EMS Policy Revision Public Comment Release

EMS Treatment Guidelines

Over the last year, Coastal Valleys EMS Agency (CVEMSA) has worked in collaboration with a representative group of EMS system partners to revise many of the EMS system treatment guidelines. This comprehensive review and revision process included moving existing guidelines into the current CVEMSA format and merging multiple treatment guidelines where appropriate to avoid redundant or conflicting instructions. In addition to improving and updating existing treatment guidelines, a number of new medications were added to local paramedic scope of practice. The revised guidelines expand treatment modalities for treating pain with opioid alternatives and offer new options for patients in need of sedation. Trauma care is improved with the implementation of the first prehospital medication available for severe hemorrhage. Basic Life Support agencies will have access to the latest updates to EMT scope of practice available under state regulation.
Organization of the protocols now includes a “procedure guidelines” section intended to improve access to skill-specific instructions and educational notes. As with the most recent revisions to CVEMSA treatment guidelines, BLS and ALS care for both adult and pediatric patients have been merged into a single document for improved clarity and to support continuity of care. Each treatment or procedure guideline includes a cross-reference table showing linkages to related guidelines.

The review and comment period for development and adoption of the attached treatment and procedure guidelines has been initiated. Please review carefully and submit comments. This public comment period will close December 16th, 2019.

Link to 2019 Draft Policies

A draft of these guidelines is attached. Please forward comments via fax or email to:
Carly Sullivan
Advanced Life Support Coordinator
Coastal Valleys EMS Agency
195 Concourse Blvd., Suite B
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
707-565-6510 FAX
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EMS Administrative Policies

The review and comment period for development and adoption of the following administrative guidelines has been initiated. Please review carefully and submit comments. This public comment period will close December 16, 2019.

2012 Flight Paramedic Accreditation

Coastal Valleys EMS Agency has created a new tier to our current Paramedic Accreditation to include Flight Paramedic Accreditation.

A revised process for flight paramedic accreditation has been developed to recognize the unique needs air ambulance providers and personnel have when working in a multi-jurisdictional capacity.

The policy removes some ground accreditation requirements from the flight paramedic accreditation process and adds local training requirements.

CVEMSA processes flight paramedic accreditation through the Image Trend License Management System (LMS) module.

CVEMSA accredited paramedics currently working as flight personnel for an air ambulance provider agency have been grandfathered to flight paramedic accreditation status at no charge. New flight paramedics who wish to work both for air and ground transport (or air rescue) will need to apply for and complete both accreditation processes to receive both Paramedic and Flight Paramedic Accreditation.

4007 EMS Aircraft

Utilization of EMS Aircraft is vital in our EMS system. Policy 4007 has been condensed and revised to reflect current industry standards. The policy now requires all aircraft entering Sonoma or Mendocino County to status with the LEMSA-authorized dispatch center. Air resources shall remain en-route to an incident until an on-scene evaluation is conducted by highest level of medical personnel at scene and determines appropriate transport.

Link to Aircraft Public Comment Policies

Please forward comments via fax or email to:
Jen Banks, EMS Coordinator
Coastal Valleys EMS Agency
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  6963 Hits

Vehicle Equipment List Addendum 4004 A

The Vehicle Equipment Minimum Supply List, an Addendum to CVEMSA Administrative Guideline 4004,  has been updated to reflect changes to CVEMSA Treatment Guidelines and incorporation of increased EMT scope of practice. The list is awaiting final revision pending any comments received from system participants but is available as an interim guidance document now. Please direct any comments, questions or concerns to Thomas Hinrichs, ALS Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  5303 Hits

Contact Us

Coastal Valleys EMS Agency
463 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 565-6501
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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